Grammarly vs ChatGPT: Battle of Proofreading Tools – Feature Comparison




Two powerful entities, Grammarly and ChatGPT, face off in a battle for proofreading supremacy. Features ranked and compared in a showdown

Grammarly is a tool I’ve leaned on for years. It’s like having a vigilant grammar teacher perpetually looking over my shoulder, catching those pesky typos and punctuation slips before they make their way to the reader. With its focus on grammar checks and suggestions for vocabulary enhancements, it has become an indispensable part of my writing process. In contrast, ChatGPT, with its advanced language model, stands as a contender not just by catching errors but also by offering creative and context-aware suggestions.

When it comes to a head-to-head on proofreading between Grammarly and ChatGPT, it’s not just about who catches the most errors. It’s about which AI tool enriches the overall writing process while maintaining my unique voice.

As I embark on this comparison, I’m curious to see which will emerge as my go-to for crafting content that’s not only error-free but also engaging and well-crafted.

Understanding Grammarly and ChatGPT

What Is Grammarly?

Grammarly is an AI-powered writing assistant that focuses on ensuring your written English is error-free and effective. It examines your text for common grammatical mistakes, spelling errors, and punctuation issues. But Grammarly isn’t just a grammar checker; it also offers insights into tone adjustment, clarity enhancements, and even plagiarism detection, making it a comprehensive tool for writers of all levels seeking to polish their work.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, on the other hand, is a conversational AI developed by OpenAI that excels in generating and structuring written content. As an AI writing assistant, it can write articles, essays, and more complex compositions. ChatGPT can assist with brainstorming ideas, composing emails, or drafting reports. Its versatility comes from being trained on diverse internet text, which enables it to understand and produce content across various topics and styles.

Features Comparison

In my exploration of Grammarly and ChatGPT, I’ve found that they each bring unique strengths to the table when it comes to hone your writing to near perfection. Let’s compare their features, specifically analyzing their approach to grammar and writing style, their editing and proofreading capabilities, and their plagiarism detection proficiency.

Grammar and Writing Style


  • I’ve observed that Grammarly has advanced grammar checking features that help identify a wide range of writing issues, from basic to complex.
  • It also focuses on enhancing writing style by suggesting vocabulary enhancements and sentence structuring.


  • ChatGPT, on the other hand, can assist with style by generating writing in different tones and styles.
  • However, it may not be as thorough in grammar checking for more nuanced language rules as Grammarly is.

Editing and Proofreading Capabilities


  • Grammarly stands out for its editing capabilities, providing real-time suggestions that help correct and improve writing as you type.
  • The platform is intuitive, offering proofreading solutions that extend beyond simple grammar fixes to readability improvements.


  • ChatGPT amplifies editing by generating larger blocks of text, offering a more substantial rewrite if necessary.
  • While ChatGPT assists with high-level proofreading, the focus is less on individual errors and more on overall content improvement.

Plagiarism Detection


  • Grammarly includes a plagiarism detector that checks your writing against web pages to help ensure originality.
  • This feature is particularly valuable for academic and professional writing that requires strict adherence to original content.


  • ChatGPT lacks a dedicated plagiarism detection feature, therefore, it is not designed for cross-referencing content for originality.
  • However, ChatGPT can help rephrase and generate new content which might indirectly reduce the risk of plagiarism.

Integration with Writing Platforms

In my experience, the true test of any writing tool is its ease of integration with platforms where I do most of my writing. Let’s see how Grammarly and ChatGPT stack up in this area.

Compatibility with Google Docs and Microsoft Word

Google Docs: I’ve found Grammarly’s integration with Google Docs to be seamless. Once I add the Grammarly extension, it’s always there in the sidebar, offering suggestions to improve my writing. As for ChatGPT, it doesn’t have a dedicated Google Docs extension, but I’ve used it by copying text from Google Docs into ChatGPT’s interface, which is an extra step but still manageable.

Microsoft Word: When it comes to Microsoft Word, Grammarly again offers direct support through its add-in, and it’s something I use to polish my documents. ChatGPT does not integrate directly into Word, but I can still use its capabilities by interacting with it separately.

Extension for Email and Browsers

Email: If you’re like me and want to ensure emails are error-free, Grammarly’s browser extension is invaluable. It checks my emails within services like Gmail. ChatGPT lacks this specific extension, so I’d have to check my emails by going to ChatGPT’s platform.

Browsers: Both Grammarly and ChatGPT provide extensions for browsers. Grammarly’s extension actively checks whatever I’m writing on the web, which includes social media posts and blog entries. ChatGPT’s browser extension, conversely, assists with generating content and completing text rather than correcting it.

The differences in integration can make a big difference depending on where and how you write. I like the convenience of Grammarly’s direct integrations, but I also appreciate the generative power of ChatGPT when I’m in the brainstorming phase or looking for creative writing assistance.

Ease of Use and Accessibility

When I’m considering tools for proofreading, the primary aspects that catch my eye are how simple the tool is to navigate and whether it caters well to the diverse needs of writers and students. So, let’s explore how Grammarly and ChatGPT stack up in these areas.

The Grammarly logo shines brightly above a sleek interface, while ChatGPT's interface is depicted as user-friendly and accessible

User Interface

I find Grammarly’s user interface quite intuitive. It lays out suggestions clearly, and I can interact with them directly in the text I’m editing. Icons and color codes make it easy to distinguish between grammar issues, style suggestions, and typos. It’s particularly helpful how Grammarly integrates with browsers, word processors, and even has a mobile keyboard app, making it highly accessible in various writing scenarios.

On the flip side, ChatGPT interacts through a conversational interface, resembling a chat window. This approach means I can ask specific questions and receive responses in a dialogue format. However, it might not be as straightforward if I’m looking to quickly scan and edit a document for proofreading errors.

Accessibility for Writers and Students

As a writer, I appreciate that Grammarly can be used almost everywhere I write, from email clients to social media posts. It’s widely accessible on both desktop and mobile devices, which is a huge plus for me when I’m on the go. The browser extension is exceptionally user-friendly, bringing Grammarly’s assistance directly into whatever platform I’m using.

For students, both tools have their merits. Grammarly’s plug-ins for word processors are incredibly helpful for essays and reports, offering real-time corrections and suggestions. ChatGPT’s ability to generate explanatory responses and creative writing assistance can also be indispensable, especially when it comes to better understanding concepts or brainstorming.

In terms of usability, both tools aim for a user-friendly interface, but they serve slightly different needs. Grammarly provides a focused proofreading experience while ChatGPT offers a broader, more versatile AI-powered writing assistant. For me, the choice between them hinges on whether I prioritize direct text editing or interactive dialogue to enhance my writing.

Pricing and Subscription Models

Grammarly and ChatGPT face off in a battle for proofreading supremacy. Features are ranked, showcasing their pricing and subscription models

When deciding between Grammarly and ChatGPT, it’s vital for me to consider how much each option will cost me and what features I can access at different pricing tiers.

Grammarly Free vs Premium

Grammarly offers a free version that includes basic writing corrections for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. For more advanced features like genre-specific writing style checks, plagiarism detection, and vocabulary enhancement suggestions, Grammarly Premium is the go-to tier. The premium plan has a cost structure that varies:

  • Monthly Subscription: Approximately $30 per month
  • Quarterly Subscription: Reduced per month cost when paid every 3 months
  • Annual Subscription: Best value with the lowest per month cost, paid annually

Grammarly’s pricing may change periodically, so it’s best to check their website for the latest information.

ChatGPT Subscription Tiers

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, initially launched as a free tool, which attracted a wide user base. For enhanced access and faster response times, OpenAI introduced subscription plans. As of now, there’s the ChatGPT Plus plan that is priced at approximately $20 per month. This plan offers priority access to new features and improvements. For detailed and up-to-date pricing or additional tier offerings, one should refer to OpenAI’s official ChatGPT page.

Advancement in Language AI

AI Tools for Grammar Checking

The inception of AI-powered grammar checking tools has radically transformed the landscape of proofreading and editing. Services such as Grammarly leverage complex algorithms to not only identify grammatical errors but also suggest context-specific corrections. My usage of these tools has significantly reduced the time I spend proofreading, while also enhancing the quality of my written content. From personal experience, these tools are becoming increasingly sophisticated, sometimes catching nuances in language that might escape even the keenest human eyes.

The Role of OpenAI and GrammarlyGo

As a firsthand user, I’ve found that OpenAI plays a pivotal role in pushing the frontiers of what’s possible with language AI. Their prolific AI models serve as a backbone for an array of creative and analytical tasks. Meanwhile, Grammarly has expanded its offering with GrammarlyGo, an AI content generator which assists in crafting original content that feels personal and nuanced. My exploration of these offerings revealed that they’re not just about fixing errors; they’re about enhancing my ability to communicate more effectively and creatively.

Real-world Applications

A computer screen split in two, showing Grammarly and ChatGPT interfaces. Red and green checkmarks indicate proofreading success

In assessing Grammarly and ChatGPT, I’ve found both have transformative impacts on how we manage text. Whether it’s drafting emails or creating educational content, these tools are reshaping efficiency and accuracy.

Use Cases in Education and Content Writing

In education, Grammarly is a trusted companion for students and educators, ensuring that essays, reports, and research papers are not only grammatically correct but also clear and concise. I find it particularly useful for catching those pesky minor mistakes that can easily slip through when proofreading long-form content. Content creators also benefit from Grammarly when writing articles and newsletters as it helps manage a marketing budget by reducing the need for professional editing services.

ChatGPT, on the other hand, serves as an excellent content generator, especially for social media posts and short-form content. Its ability to produce creative and relevant writing prompts helps me overcome writer’s block. In a scholastic context, I use ChatGPT to draft outlines and rough drafts for various writing assignments, further enhancing my writing tools arsenal.

Professional and Business Utilization

In the business world, clear communication is vital. Grammarly excels here; it’s like having an extra pair of eyes to proofread sales pitches and business proposals, ensuring that my professional communications are polished and error-free. When I craft important emails, Grammarly’s suggestions are instrumental in maintaining a professional tone.

Simultaneously, ChatGPT streamlines my content creation process, generating ideas that I can then refine and tailor to specific business needs. For example, it assists me in creating drafts for blog posts or generating dialogue for customer service chatbots. This versatility makes it an invaluable tool, especially when working under tight deadlines or with a limited marketing budget.

Performance and Accuracy

When comparing Grammarly and ChatGPT, I focus on how each tool identifies and corrects errors when proofreading. This is essential, as the goal is to ensure the text is both grammatically correct and clear to the reader.

Error Detection and Correction

Grammarly has built a reputation for its ability to spot a wide array of errors, from typographical (typo) mistakes to grammatical error corrections. It underscores errors in real-time, offering suggestions which I find to be highly accurate. It catches punctuation errors and helps with sentence structure, which enhances clarity. On the other hand, ChatGPT also identifies and corrects mistakes, but its approach is slightly different. It can reformulate sentences to sound more natural and can debug a piece of text by generating alternatives rather than pointing out errors one by one.

  • Grammarly: Remarkably precise in identifying typos, grammatical mistakes, and punctuation issues.
  • ChatGPT: Generates revised versions of the text that inherently correct errors in the process.

Effectiveness in Various Writing Scenarios

Grammarly caters to diverse writing scenarios with aplomb, whether it’s a formal business report or an informal blog post. Its error correction mechanism is versatile enough to adapt to different styles and needs. ChatGPT, because of its conversational nature, excels particularly in scenarios where the tone and style are more narrative-driven or conversational. However, it might not always home in on the more subtle grammar nuances that a specialized tool like Grammarly is designed for.

  • Grammarly: Highly effective across various contexts; maintains consistency with sentence structure.
  • ChatGPT: Best suited for more fluid and conversational writing; sometimes may not catch intricate grammatical errors.

Conclusion: Making the Choice

In the matchup of Grammarly versus ChatGPT, it’s clear that each tool offers distinct capabilities tailored to different aspects of writing and proofreading. Making an informed decision requires a keen understanding of what each option brings to the table.

Deciding Between Grammarly and ChatGPT

When I consider incorporating a writing tool into my workflow, I focus on specific needs: whether I’m fine-tuning short-form content or generating long-form pieces. Grammarly stands out for its robust proofreading, often catching even the subtlest of grammatical errors and typos. It’s designed to ensure each sentence I write is polished. On the other hand, ChatGPT, as discussed in Become a Writer Today, offers broader applications in generating and enhancing long-form content with its advanced AI capabilities.

Pros and Cons of Each Tool


  • Pros:
    • Exceptional at catching grammatical mistakes
    • Enhances clarity and tone for short-form writing
    • Provides real-time writing suggestions
  • Cons:
    • Primarily focused on editing and proofreading
    • May not aid much in content creation


  • Pros:
    • Adept at generating and improving long-form content
    • Quickly analyzes and provides feedback on large documents
    • Offers more flexible language expressions, as noted in UX Design Bootcamp
  • Cons:
    • While improving, may not match Grammarly’s precision in error correction

Understanding these aspects helps me navigate my decision-making process. My goal is to select a solution that aligns with my writing needs, whether that’s ensuring grammatically impeccable short pieces or creating expansive, articulate documents.

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