What is Cross-Entropy Loss: LLMs Explained




Two intersecting arrows

In the realm of machine learning and, more specifically, in the field of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, one term that frequently pops up is “Cross-Entropy Loss”. This term might seem intimidating at first, but it is a fundamental concept that underpins how these models learn and improve over time. In this glossary entry, we will delve deep into the concept of Cross-Entropy Loss, its role in LLMs, and how it influences the performance of these models.

Understanding Cross-Entropy Loss requires a basic understanding of some key concepts in machine learning and statistics. These include probability distributions, log functions, and the idea of a ‘loss function’. We will explore each of these topics in detail, before bringing them all together to explain Cross-Entropy Loss in its entirety. So, buckle up for a comprehensive journey into the heart of LLMs and the role of Cross-Entropy Loss in their functioning.

Understanding Probability Distributions

Before we can understand Cross-Entropy Loss, we need to grasp the concept of a probability distribution. In simple terms, a probability distribution is a mathematical function that provides the probabilities of occurrence of different possible outcomes in an experiment. In the context of LLMs, these ‘outcomes’ could be the probabilities of different words or sequences of words occurring next in a given context.

Probability distributions are fundamental to the functioning of LLMs. These models are trained on vast amounts of text data, and they learn to predict the probability distribution of the next word in a sentence based on the context provided by the preceding words. This is where the concept of Cross-Entropy Loss comes into play, as it provides a way to measure how well the probability distribution predicted by the model matches the actual distribution in the training data.

Discrete and Continuous Distributions

Probability distributions can be broadly classified into two types: discrete and continuous. Discrete distributions are used when the outcomes are distinct and countable, such as the roll of a die or the toss of a coin. Continuous distributions, on the other hand, are used when the outcomes can take on any value within a certain range, such as the height of a person or the weight of an object.

In the context of LLMs, the probability distributions are typically discrete, as the models are predicting the next word from a finite vocabulary. However, it’s important to note that the principles of Cross-Entropy Loss apply to both discrete and continuous distributions, and the concept is used in a wide range of machine learning applications beyond LLMs.

Exploring Logarithmic Functions

Another key concept that underpins Cross-Entropy Loss is the logarithmic function, often simply referred to as the ‘log function’. In mathematics, the log function is the inverse of exponentiation, just as subtraction is the inverse of addition. It has a number of important properties that make it particularly useful in the context of Cross-Entropy Loss.

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One of these properties is that the log of a product is the sum of the logs of the individual factors. This is particularly useful when working with probability distributions, as it allows us to turn multiplications of probabilities into sums, which are much easier to work with. Another important property is that the log function is monotonically increasing, which means that if one number is larger than another, then its log will also be larger. This is crucial for the concept of Cross-Entropy Loss, as we’ll see later.

Base of the Logarithm

The base of the logarithm is an important aspect to consider. In many contexts, including machine learning, the natural logarithm is often used. The natural logarithm has the number ‘e’ (approximately equal to 2.71828) as its base. The choice of the natural logarithm is often due to its mathematical properties which simplify many calculations.

However, in the context of information theory, which is closely related to the concept of Cross-Entropy Loss, logarithms to the base 2 are often used. This is because information is often measured in bits, and a bit is a fundamental unit of information that represents a binary choice between two alternatives. The connection between bits and base-2 logarithms is one of the reasons why Cross-Entropy Loss is often explained in the context of information theory.

Defining Loss Functions

Now that we’ve covered probability distributions and log functions, we can start to explore the concept of a ‘loss function’. In machine learning, a loss function is a method of evaluating how well a particular model is performing. It does this by calculating the difference between the predicted output of the model and the actual output.

In the context of LLMs, the loss function measures the difference between the model’s predicted probability distribution of the next word in a sentence, and the actual distribution in the training data. The lower the loss, the better the model’s predictions are. Cross-Entropy Loss is a specific type of loss function that is particularly well-suited to comparing probability distributions, which is why it’s used in LLMs.

Types of Loss Functions

There are many different types of loss functions used in machine learning, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some common types include mean squared error, mean absolute error, and log loss. Each of these loss functions is best suited to different types of machine learning tasks.

For example, mean squared error is often used in regression tasks, where the goal is to predict a continuous variable. On the other hand, log loss, which is closely related to Cross-Entropy Loss, is often used in classification tasks, where the goal is to predict which of several categories a particular data point belongs to. In the case of LLMs, the task is essentially a classification problem, as the model is trying to classify the next word in a sentence based on the preceding context.

Introducing Cross-Entropy Loss

With a solid understanding of probability distributions, log functions, and loss functions, we’re now ready to tackle the concept of Cross-Entropy Loss. In simple terms, Cross-Entropy Loss is a measure of the difference between two probability distributions. In the context of LLMs, it measures the difference between the model’s predicted distribution of the next word in a sentence, and the actual distribution in the training data.

The ‘cross-entropy’ part of the name comes from the field of information theory, where it is used to measure the ‘distance’ between two probability distributions. The ‘loss’ part of the name comes from its use as a loss function in machine learning. When used as a loss function, the goal is to minimize the Cross-Entropy Loss, as this means the model’s predictions are getting closer to the actual data.

Calculating Cross-Entropy Loss

The calculation of Cross-Entropy Loss involves the use of log functions and probabilities, which is why we covered these topics earlier. The formula for Cross-Entropy Loss is as follows: H(p, q) = – Σ p(x) log q(x), where p is the actual probability distribution, q is the predicted probability distribution, and the sum is over all possible outcomes.

In the context of LLMs, p(x) would be the actual probability of a word occurring next in a sentence, and q(x) would be the model’s predicted probability. The log function is used to calculate the ‘surprise’ or ‘information content’ of each prediction, and these are then weighted by the actual probabilities and summed up to give the overall Cross-Entropy Loss.

Role of Cross-Entropy Loss in LLMs

Now that we understand what Cross-Entropy Loss is and how it’s calculated, let’s explore its role in LLMs. As we’ve mentioned, LLMs are trained to predict the next word in a sentence based on the preceding context. The model’s predictions are in the form of a probability distribution over the entire vocabulary, and the goal is to get this distribution as close as possible to the actual distribution in the training data.

This is where Cross-Entropy Loss comes in. By using Cross-Entropy Loss as the loss function, we can measure how well the model’s predictions match the actual data, and use this information to adjust the model’s parameters and improve its predictions. This is done using a process called ‘backpropagation’, which involves calculating the gradient of the Cross-Entropy Loss with respect to the model’s parameters, and using this gradient to update the parameters in a direction that reduces the loss.

Training and Evaluation

During the training phase of an LLM, the model is presented with a large amount of text data, and it uses this data to learn the statistical patterns of the language. The model’s predictions are compared to the actual data using the Cross-Entropy Loss, and the model’s parameters are adjusted to minimize this loss. This process is repeated many times, with the model gradually improving its predictions as it sees more and more data.

Once the model has been trained, it can be evaluated on new data that it hasn’t seen before. This is done by calculating the Cross-Entropy Loss on the new data, and comparing it to the loss on the training data. If the loss on the new data is significantly higher than on the training data, this could indicate that the model is ‘overfitting’, which means it has learned to mimic the training data too closely and is not generalizing well to new data.


Understanding Cross-Entropy Loss is crucial to understanding how LLMs like ChatGPT work. This concept, which originates from the field of information theory, provides a way to measure the difference between the model’s predictions and the actual data, and to use this information to improve the model’s performance.

While the mathematics behind Cross-Entropy Loss can be complex, the basic idea is quite simple: it’s all about getting the model’s predictions as close as possible to the actual data. By doing this, we can create LLMs that can generate realistic and coherent text, and that can be used in a wide range of applications, from chatbots and virtual assistants to automated content generation and beyond.

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