What is Activation Function: LLMs Explained




A neural network with various nodes

In the world of Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, understanding the concept of an activation function is crucial. It is a fundamental component that helps these models to learn and make sense of the vast amount of data they process. This article will delve into the intricacies of activation functions, their role in LLMs, and how they contribute to the overall functionality of these models.

Before we dive into the specifics of activation functions, it’s important to understand the broader context in which they operate. LLMs are a type of artificial intelligence model designed to understand, generate, and respond to human language. They are trained on a diverse range of internet text, but they do not know specifics about which documents were part of their training set. This makes the role of activation functions even more crucial in shaping their learning and output.

Understanding Activation Functions

At the most basic level, an activation function in a neural network, like an LLM, is a mathematical function that determines the output of a neuron. It takes the weighted sum of the inputs and bias as an argument and produces an output that is used as input for the next layer in the network. The activation function is responsible for transforming the input signal into an output signal, and it is this output that decides whether a particular neuron will be activated or not.

Activation functions play a pivotal role in determining the complexity and capacity of neural networks. They control the non-linearity in the data by enabling the network to learn from the error, and adjust the biases and weights of the neurons. Without activation functions, the neural network would only be able to learn linear relationships between the input and output, limiting its ability to handle complex data and tasks.

The Role of Activation Functions in LLMs

In the context of LLMs, activation functions are used to determine the output of the neural network for given inputs. They are instrumental in the learning process of the model, helping it to make sense of the complex linguistic patterns and structures it encounters. The activation function is what allows the model to ‘understand’ and generate human-like text based on the data it has been trained on.

Moreover, activation functions in LLMs help to control the flow of information through the model. They decide which information is important and should be passed on, and which can be disregarded. This is crucial in language processing, where the model needs to understand not just individual words, but also the context in which they are used, the nuances of meaning, and the overall structure of the text.

Types of Activation Functions

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There are several types of activation functions that are commonly used in neural networks, each with its own characteristics and use cases. Some of the most commonly used activation functions in LLMs include the Sigmoid, Tanh, and ReLU functions.

The Sigmoid function is a type of activation function that outputs a value between 0 and 1. It is especially useful in the final layer of a neural network used for binary classification problems. The Tanh function, on the other hand, outputs a value between -1 and 1, making it more balanced and often leading to faster convergence during training. The ReLU function, or Rectified Linear Unit, outputs the input directly if it is positive, otherwise, it outputs zero. It has become the default activation function for many types of neural networks because it allows for faster and more effective training.

Activation Functions in ChatGPT

ChatGPT, one of the most well-known LLMs, uses activation functions in its architecture to process and generate text. The specific type of activation function used in ChatGPT is the GELU, or Gaussian Error Linear Unit. This function is a smoother version of the ReLU function, and it has been found to perform better in practice for models like ChatGPT.

The GELU function helps ChatGPT to make sense of the vast amount of data it processes, enabling it to understand and generate human-like text. It plays a crucial role in the learning process of the model, helping it to adjust and refine its understanding of language based on the data it has been trained on.

Why GELU is Used in ChatGPT

The GELU activation function is used in ChatGPT because of its ability to handle complex linguistic data. It allows the model to learn non-linear relationships in the data, which is crucial for understanding and generating human language. The GELU function is also computationally efficient, which is an important consideration given the large amount of data that LLMs like ChatGPT need to process.

Moreover, the GELU function has been found to perform better in practice for models like ChatGPT. It helps the model to converge faster during training, and it leads to better performance in terms of the quality of the text generated by the model. This makes it a suitable choice for the activation function in ChatGPT.

How GELU Works in ChatGPT

In ChatGPT, the GELU activation function works by taking the weighted sum of the inputs and bias as an argument, and producing an output that is used as input for the next layer in the network. The function is applied at each layer of the network, helping to control the flow of information through the model.

The GELU function decides which information is important and should be passed on, and which can be disregarded. This is crucial in language processing, where the model needs to understand not just individual words, but also the context in which they are used, the nuances of meaning, and the overall structure of the text.


In conclusion, activation functions play a critical role in Large Language Models like ChatGPT. They are the driving force that allows these models to make sense of the complex linguistic data they encounter, enabling them to understand and generate human-like text. The specific type of activation function used in ChatGPT, the GELU function, has been found to perform particularly well in practice, contributing to the model’s impressive performance.

While this article has provided a comprehensive overview of activation functions and their role in LLMs, it’s important to remember that they are just one piece of the puzzle. The success of models like ChatGPT is the result of a combination of many factors, including the architecture of the model, the data it has been trained on, and the algorithms used to train it. Nonetheless, understanding the role of activation functions is a crucial step towards understanding how these impressive models work.

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