What is Q-learning: Artificial Intelligence Explained




A robot navigating through a maze

Q-learning is a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm that seeks to find the best action to take given the current state. It’s part of the family of algorithms that are used in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. The algorithm, which is off-policy, learns by observing, it does not require a model (hence the connotation “model-free”) of the environment, and it can handle problems with stochastic transitions and rewards without requiring adaptations.

Q-learning was first introduced by Christopher Watkins in 1989 as part of his PhD thesis. The algorithm has since been applied in various domains, from robotics to game playing, and has proven to be effective in solving complex problems where other algorithms struggle. The name ‘Q’ stands for the ‘quality’ of an action taken in a given state. The algorithm learns these Q-values over time, and uses them to make decisions on which action to take.

Understanding Q-learning

Q-learning is a value iteration algorithm. In value iteration algorithms, the goal is to compute the value function, which is a measure of the goodness of a state, or the expected return from that state. The value function is typically denoted by V(s), where s is the state. However, in Q-learning, we compute the Q-function instead, which is a measure of the goodness of an action in a given state.

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The Q-function, denoted by Q(s, a), gives the expected return of taking action a in state s while following a certain policy. A policy, denoted by π, is a mapping from states to actions. It tells the agent what action to take in each state. The goal of Q-learning is to find the optimal policy, π*, that maximizes the expected return from each state.


In Q-learning, the Q-function is typically represented as a table, known as the Q-table. The Q-table has one row for each state and one column for each action. The entry in the table corresponding to state s and action a, denoted by Q(s, a), gives the current estimate of the expected return of taking action a in state s.

The Q-table is initialized arbitrarily, and then updated iteratively using the Q-learning update rule. The update rule is based on the Bellman equation, which gives a recursive definition of the value function. The Q-learning update rule modifies the Bellman equation to update the Q-values based on the maximum Q-value of the next state, rather than the expected Q-value.

Exploration vs Exploitation

One of the key challenges in reinforcement learning is the trade-off between exploration and exploitation. Exploration is the act of trying out different actions to see their outcomes, while exploitation is the act of choosing the best action based on current knowledge. In Q-learning, this trade-off is typically handled using an ε-greedy policy.

An ε-greedy policy is a policy that, with probability ε, chooses an action uniformly at random (exploration), and with probability 1-ε, chooses the action with the highest estimated Q-value (exploitation). The value of ε is typically set to a high value at the start of learning, and then gradually decreased over time. This allows the agent to explore the environment thoroughly in the early stages of learning, and then exploit its knowledge in the later stages.

Q-learning Algorithm

The Q-learning algorithm is a simple yet powerful algorithm that can be used to solve reinforcement learning problems. The algorithm works by iteratively updating the Q-values for each state-action pair using the Q-learning update rule, until the Q-values converge to their true values.

The algorithm starts by initializing the Q-table to arbitrary values. Then, at each time step, the agent selects an action based on its current policy, observes the reward and the next state, and updates the Q-value for the current state-action pair. The update is done using the Q-learning update rule, which is based on the Bellman equation.

Q-learning Update Rule

The Q-learning update rule is the heart of the Q-learning algorithm. The update rule is based on the Bellman equation, which gives a recursive definition of the value function. The Q-learning update rule modifies the Bellman equation to update the Q-values based on the maximum Q-value of the next state, rather than the expected Q-value.

The Q-learning update rule is as follows: Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α [r + γ maxa’ Q(s’, a’) – Q(s, a)], where α is the learning rate, γ is the discount factor, r is the reward, s’ is the next state, and a’ is the action taken in the next state. The learning rate α determines how much the Q-value is updated at each step, while the discount factor γ determines the importance of future rewards.

Convergence of Q-learning

One of the key properties of Q-learning is that it converges to the optimal policy, given certain conditions. The convergence of Q-learning is guaranteed under the following conditions: (1) the learning rate α is sufficiently small, (2) the discount factor γ is less than 1, and (3) each state-action pair is visited infinitely often.

The proof of convergence of Q-learning is based on the theory of Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and the Bellman equation. The proof shows that, as the number of visits to each state-action pair goes to infinity, the Q-values converge to the true Q-values, and the policy converges to the optimal policy.

Applications of Q-learning

Q-learning has been applied in a wide range of domains, from robotics to game playing. In robotics, Q-learning has been used to teach robots to perform complex tasks, such as balancing a pole or navigating a maze. In game playing, Q-learning has been used to train agents to play games such as chess, Go, and poker.

One of the most notable applications of Q-learning is in the field of autonomous driving. Q-learning has been used to train self-driving cars to navigate complex environments and make safe and efficient decisions. The algorithm has also been used in the field of energy management, where it has been used to optimize the operation of power grids and reduce energy consumption.

Deep Q-learning

Deep Q-learning is a variant of Q-learning that uses deep neural networks to approximate the Q-function. This allows the algorithm to handle problems with large state spaces, where the Q-table would be too large to store in memory.

Deep Q-learning was popularized by Google’s DeepMind, which used the algorithm to train an agent to play Atari games at a superhuman level. The success of DeepMind’s work demonstrated the power of combining deep learning with reinforcement learning, and sparked a surge of interest in the field.

Limitations and Challenges

Despite its success, Q-learning also has its limitations and challenges. One of the main limitations is that it requires a lot of data to learn effectively. This makes it unsuitable for problems where data is scarce or expensive to obtain.

Another challenge is that Q-learning can be unstable or even diverge when used with function approximators, such as neural networks. This is due to the fact that the same samples are used to both update the Q-values and determine the policy. This can lead to a feedback loop where the Q-values and the policy chase each other, leading to instability or divergence.


Q-learning is a powerful reinforcement learning algorithm that has been used to solve a wide range of problems in various domains. The algorithm is simple to understand and implement, yet capable of handling complex problems with stochastic transitions and rewards.

Despite its limitations and challenges, Q-learning continues to be a popular choice for reinforcement learning problems, thanks to its simplicity and versatility. With the advent of deep Q-learning and other variants, the potential applications of Q-learning are only set to increase in the future.

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