How to use the Glowing ChatGPT Plugin




chatpgpt plugins

Your Daily SMS Scheduler

Manage your daily communications effortlessly with the Glowing plugin for ChatGPT. This tool allows you to schedule and send daily SMS to any number. Whether you need to send reminders, updates, or simply a daily text, Glowing makes it seamless and hassle-free.

Ideas on how you can use the Glowing ChatGPT Plugin

Daily Medication Reminders

You know, it’s pretty common to forget taking medication on time with the busy lives we lead. This is where Glowing comes in handy. It can help remind you about your daily medication schedule.

“Hey ChatGPT, I need to set up a daily reminder for my medication. Can you schedule a text with Glowing to remind me to take my pills every day at 8 AM?”

“ChatGPT, I keep forgetting to take my birth control pills. Can you help me set up a daily reminder using Glowing? I need the reminder at 9 PM each day?”

Childcare Reminders

Parenting comes with its own set of challenges, one of which is remembering all the little things that ensure your child’s well-being. Glowing can be your assistant in this, reminding you of all the important tasks.

“ChatGPT, I need a reminder to pick up my kids from school every weekday at 3 PM. Can you set this up on Glowing for me?”

“Can you schedule a reminder with Glowing to remind me to pack my kid’s lunch every weekday at 7 AM, ChatGPT?”

Sporting Events Reminders

Are you a sports enthusiast who doesn’t want to miss a single game? Or maybe you have a weekly match of your own? With Glowing, you won’t have to worry about forgetting.

“ChatGPT, I don’t want to miss the big game this weekend. Could you set up a one-time reminder with Glowing to send me an SMS on Saturday at 3 PM?”

“Can you help me set up a reminder with Glowing for my weekly tennis match? I need it every Tuesday at 5 PM.”

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Prayer and Meditation Reminders

Practicing mindfulness through prayer or meditation is a beautiful way to start or end your day. But sometimes, you might need a nudge to keep it consistent. Glowing can be that gentle nudge!

“ChatGPT, I want to be more consistent with my meditation practice. Could you help me schedule a daily SMS reminder through Glowing for 7 AM?”

“Could you use Glowing to send me a daily reminder at 5 PM for my evening prayer, ChatGPT?”

Chores Reminders

We all know how easy it is to forget about chores, especially when our plate is full with work, family, and other commitments. A simple reminder from Glowing can keep you on track with your household tasks. ​

“ChatGPT, can you help me set up a daily reminder with Glowing for my laundry every Sunday at 10 AM?”

“I need to remember to water my plants every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Can you set up a reminder using Glowing for 6 PM on these days, ChatGPT?”

Share your ideas in the comments

Hey there! We’d love to hear about your experience using the Glowing plugin with ChatGPT. How have you been using it? Feel free to share your ideas and thoughts in the comments below. We’re excited to learn from your insights!

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