How to use the Chess ChatGPT Plugin




chess concept

Master the Game of Kings

Enhance your chess skills with the Chess plugin for ChatGPT. Whether you’re a seasoned player, a beginner, or a chess enthusiast, this plugin provides interactive chess puzzles, game analysis, and tactical advice to help you improve your game.

Ideas on how you can use the Chess ChatGPT Plugin

Playing Chess Online is a platform where you can play chess games with millions of players from around the world. You can play rated or unrated games, games with material odds, participate in leagues, play against bots, enjoy daily chess, or even play simultaneous games against multiple opponents​.

“Hey ChatGPT, I feel like playing a game of chess. Can you set up a game for me on”

“ChatGPT, I’d like to play against a bot on Can you arrange that?”

Game Analysis allows you to analyze your games deeply. You can review your games, receive explanations of your moves, use the latest versions of Stockfish and Komodo for self analysis, see the perfect assessment of the position with 7-piece tablebases, and use cloud analysis to examine positions in detail​​.

“ChatGPT, can you analyze my recent game on and help me understand where I went wrong?”

“Can you use the plugin to provide a detailed analysis of this chess game I played?”

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Prefer a visual experience: offers access to interactive lessons and guided courses on various chess topics for players of all levels click here

You can also improve your tactical skills with an extensive selection of puzzles tailored to your level click here

Classroom Learning

With’s Classroom feature, you can share a board with other players and add video and audio feed to enjoy small group or seminar training sessions and game reviews​​.

“ChatGPT, can you help me set up a Classroom session on with my friends?”

“Can you assist me in joining a classroom session on”

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Chess Puzzles offers a variety of chess puzzles to help you improve your tactical skills. You can solve daily puzzles, rated puzzles, participate in Puzzle Rush or Puzzle Battles, or work on custom puzzles.​

“ChatGPT, can you show me today’s puzzle on”

“I’d like to improve my chess tactics. Can you set me up with some rated puzzles on”

Chess Lessons and Analytics provides a plethora of lessons and analytics to help you improve your game. You can learn from a massive lesson library, watch thousands of videos, read articles, explore chess openings, and use analytics to improve your game​.

“ChatGPT, can you recommend a lesson for me on I’m trying to improve my opening game.”

“Can you help me understand my chess performance analytics on”

Bonus Prompts to dig deeper into the Chess ChatGPT plugin

Other Useful Prompts you could ask to find more information

  • “ChatGPT, I’d like to challenge a bot on Can you set up a game for me with a bot that matches my skill level?”
  • “ChatGPT, I recently played a game on Could you use the Game of Kings plugin to analyze my game and point out the key moments and mistakes I made?”
  • “ChatGPT, I’m interested in joining a group training session on Can you help me find a classroom session that suits my skill level?”
  • “ChatGPT, I want to improve my tactical skills in chess. Could you fetch me some rated puzzles from that match my skill level?”
  • “ChatGPT, I’ve been struggling with the Sicilian Defense. Can you find me a lesson on that can help me better understand and improve this aspect of my game?”

Share your ideas in the comments

Hey there! We’d love to hear about your experience using the Chess plugin with ChatGPT. How have you been using it? Feel free to share your ideas and thoughts in the comments below. We’re excited to learn from your insights!

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